Contact Us

(502) 2277-5100

  • For more information regarding our commitment to Responsible Development please contact us at:
  • For logistics and customer service please contact:
  • If you are contacting us for the first time and wish to get in touch with our commercial team:
  • We invite anyone who has been harmed by communications, transactions, events, business dealings, or contracts that have not been carried out or are not carried out through the official communication channel to file a complaint with the relevant authorities and/or to contact our ethics channel at

Communication Channels: Ethics Line and Community Complaints Channel

External operator: 1-801-000-2424

External operator: 001-800-5020098

External operator: 800 1233422

From other country: +502-2377-2424


Online: Click here

WhatsApp: +502 4128 7000

Oficinas Generales

Diagonal 6, 10-31 zona 10, Centro gerencial Las Margaritas, Guatemala.

PBX (502) 2277-5100
FAX (502) 2334-7238

Ingenio Pantaleon

Km. 86.5, Carretera al Pacífico, Siquinalá, Escuintla, Guatemala.

PBX (502) 7879-4000
FAX (502) 7879-4160

Ingenio El Mante

Avenida General Aaron Saenz Garza No. 901 Colonia Obrera No. 1
C.P. 89870, Ciudad El Mante, Tamaulipas

PBX (831) 232-1406

Monte Rosa

Oficinas generales del supermercado, Pricesmart, 1 cuadra al lago, 1 cuadra arriba y 25 varas abajo, Managua, Nicaragua.

PBX (505) 2268-5752
FAX (505) 2266-5192

Ingenio Monte Rosa

Km. 148.5m Carretera El Viejo Potosí, Chinandega, Nicaragua.

PBX (505) 2342-9040
FAX (505) 2342-9043

Pantaleon Commodities Corp.

601 Brickell Key Drive, Suite 602. Miami FL 33131

PBX (786) 542-6333


Oficinas Generales, Bosques de Duraznos 127 11-B, Bosques de Las Lomas, C.P. 11700, Ciudad de México, México.

Ingenio Pánuco

Alto del Estero, S/N, Localidad Alto del Estero, C.P. 93990, Pánuco, Veracruz, México.

PBX (846) 266-1672