Responsible Neighbors

We seek to grow alongside the communities that surround our operations, generating genuine relationships and promoting development.

In 2022 we achieved:

Communities benefited
Social investment
Community development projects
People benefited
Community development projects

Contributing to the development of successful communities.


Water and sanitation projects

We support programs related to health, safety, water, and sanitation. In Nicaragua, with the project “Water for All”, we have benefitted more than 9,300 people in 17 communities and they now possess their own drinking water supply.


Health projects

All of our operations have health clinics that offer primary care, ophthalmology, and dentistry services for our workers and their families. Our health team is comprised by 128 people, including 1 epidemiologist, 3 occupational physicians, 2 public health specialists, 13 general practitioners, 2 nutritionists, 59 nurses, 3 paramedics and 45 health brigades.

+40,000 medical consultations were carried out during the year 2022, of which some of them were pre-employment medical consultations, dental consultations, follow-up medical examinations, among others.

Additionally, we share with our collaborators and close people about:

  • Vaccination campaigns
  • Preventive days
  • Days for the detection of chronic-degenerative diseases
  • Pre-employment medical consultations
  • Follow-up medical exams
  • Awareness campaigns on health issues
  • Daily talks by health brigade members
  • Mobile preventive health units

Education projects

  • Pantaleon Educational Centers.
  • Child Development Centers “Arcoíris del Futuro”.
  • Education programs for adults.
  • Technical skill trainings, entrepreneurship programs and allocation of seed capital.
  • Scholarships.

In 2022 more than 1,620 people from surrounding communities benefited from receiving technical trainings to develop skills that allow them to earn additional income and potentially establish their own business. These courses include basic electronics for motorcycles, baking, beautician courses, among others. In Mexico, In Mexico we provide seed capital so that participants can establish small businesses such as bakeries, water purification plants, and beauty salons. These projects have a major impact on the communities as they bring basic services and make quality products available at low cost.


projects developed in the priority axis: water and sanitation, health, and education.

We promote education

Pantaleon Schools

We promote inclusive and equitable quality education for the children of our collaborators, as well as children and youth of the surrounding communities. We have three schools, one in Guatemala and two in Nicaragua, benefitting over 1,400 students. The schools provide a constructivist education called “Visionary Schools, Citizenship Builders” where children and young people are active participants in their training. This methodology supports the students’ self-esteem, making them agents of change within the school, their family, community and country. This program has been recognized nationally and internationally, with the “Corporate Citizen” award received in 2007 by the Organization of American States (OAS).

Reforestation campaign in Pantaleon´s school in Nicaragua.

Securing the future

Early childhood development centers

Support for education starts early. Early childhood development centers called, “Rainbow of the Future” provide comprehensive education, early stimulation, food security, and access and psychopedagogical care. It stimulates the development of motor skills and promotes health through school feeding programs and growth monitoring for children aged one to five years old.

Promoting growth

Adult Education Programs

Pantaleon provides primary and basic education to operational workers who want to finish high school, in 2022 we benefited 243 people. In Guatemala and Mexico, literacy and academic remedial programs are provided to migrant and operational cane cutters during harvest season through the “Weekend Program” and “Adult Education Program”. These programs allow our employees to complete their studies and access better opportunities both inside and outside the organization.

Collaborators receiving classes inside the facilities at Pánuco sugar mill, Mexico.

Connecting with our neighbors

At Pantaleon we listen to our neighbors and participate in round tables to find solutions to common problems.

We have a mechanism of communication and suggestions in which the communities can consult regarding our processes or report any incidence that we may have caused them.

The Social Development team of each sugar mill responds to all incidents in less than seventy-two hours.


Guatemala: +502 2377-2424

Nicaragua: +505 2342-9040

México: 800 1233422

WhatsApp: +502 4128 7000 (Open to any country).

Online: Click here.

Written mail: Addressed to the Department of Social Development.

In-person: For complaints made in-person, we follow up using a file record.

Visits to our operations

In 2022 this program was reestarted. So far over 200 people from over 50 different communities have visited our operations

+ 0
Annual visits to the sugar mills

Developing neighboring communities

Pantaleon Foundation

Since 1992, Pantaleon Foundation has contributed to the responsible development and quality of life of people through education, health and environmental projects. Created by members of the founding family, the Foundation supports communities of influence in Guatemala, Nicaragua and Mexico.


We are part of Fundazúcar, the social arm of the Guatemalan Sugar Association (ASAZGUA), who promote social programs with the aim of promoting integral development.