We are the world´s 16th largest sugar producer and the 2nd* in Latin America

*Excluding Brazil

Our reputation, geographic diversification and product portfolio enables us to build lasting relationships with our customers and traders. We are distinguished by our trading capabilities and logistical experience.

We think of the world, we think of you.

We add value to our products by implementing the best international practices in quality, innocuousness, occupational health and safety and the environment.

We recognize the importance of working together with our sugarcane suppliers to ensure the sustainability of our value chain. Under this vision, the Extensionism Program was launched in 2020 with the purpose of improving the productivity and living conditions of the 3,672 sugarcane producers of Panuco Sugar Mill in Mexico.
Trading and Export

We trade and export sugar, molasses, and alcohol through the most important terminals in each country where we operate.

Our commercial headquarters, Pantaleon Commodities Corp. (PCC) located in Florida in the United States is responsible for the sale of our products and centralizes logistics and customer services.

In Guatemala, we export through Expogranel, one of the most efficient terminals in the world, with capacity to load up to 48,000 metric tons of bulk sugar and 3,500 metric tons of sugar daily.


Discover the countries to which we export our products.


global product destinations.