In August, we had the privilege to present our experience in the implementation of our Total Worker Health Program. We were invited to present at the Total Worker Health Course led by the Center for Health, Work & Environment at the University of Colorado in Puebla, México.

Our strategic partnership with the University of Colorado, recognized among the 10 Centers of Excellence in Total Worker Health, has driven the creation of evidence-based programs that address risks and increase a culture of safety as well as promoting healthy work environments. Through initiatives like Health Links, which awards Healthy Workplace Certifications and provides advice to employers across the United States, we are demonstrating that health and integral well-being are critical to us.

Since its inception in 2016, the collaboration between Pantaleon and the Center for Health, Work & Environment at the University of Colorado has led to an improvement of our existing programs and the quality of life of our workforce. We have also conjunctly published over 20 papers in scientific journals to share our best practices and insights of our investigations. Together, we are forging a future where safety and well-being are the foundations on which we build a strong and healthy work community.
