3 By Sara Cuevas In Achievements, Responsible DevelopmentPosted January 24, 2025Grupo Pantaleon partners with Bright Yeti to drive agricultural innovation READ MORE
3 By Sara Cuevas In Achievements, Events, Responsible Development, What happens in PantaleonPosted January 21, 2025Grupo Pantaleon drives business growth in Guatemala through the ScaleUp program. READ MORE
3 By Sara Cuevas In Achievements, Events, Responsible Development, What happens in PantaleonPosted January 17, 2025Grupo Pantaleon and Guatecaña Promote Education on the South Coast with the Awarding of 12 University Scholarships READ MORE
2 By Sara Cuevas In Achievements, Responsible Development, What happens in PantaleonPosted January 15, 2025Grupo Pantaleon reaffirms its commitment to sustainability as a member of Guatecaña READ MORE
1 By Sara Cuevas In Achievements, Products, Responsible Development, What happens in PantaleonPosted January 2, 2025Novaforest renews Kosher Certification for cardamom production READ MORE
1 By Sara Cuevas In Achievements, Events, People and Culture, Responsible DevelopmentPosted December 13, 2024Sowing skills and transforming lives for a prosperous future READ MORE
0 By Sara Cuevas In Events, Responsible Development, What happens in PantaleonPosted November 15, 2024We Celebrate Agricultural Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Guatemala! READ MORE
0 By Sara Cuevas In Achievements, Events, Responsible DevelopmentPosted November 11, 2024Novaforest Receives Double Recognition at the 2024 Industrial Awards for Innovation and Environmental Performance READ MORE
0 By Sara Cuevas In Achievements, Responsible Development, What happens in PantaleonPosted October 30, 2024Monte Rosa Obtains Certification According to Bonsucro Production Standard v5.2 READ MORE
0 By Sara Cuevas In Responsible Development, What happens in PantaleonPosted August 28, 2024Pantaleon is a finalist in the 2024 World Sustainability Awards in the “Social Impact” category for the Community Schools program! READ MORE