We are pleased to announce that we are finalists for the Sedex 2023 Sustainability Awards in the Community and Collaboration category. This award explores the power of collaboration, partnerships, and community to address Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) challenges.

This category seeks solutions that demonstrate the power of partnership to address deeply rooted environmental and social concerns, as well as examples of collaboration among customers, suppliers, or other stakeholders to improve working conditions, sustainability, and other environmental concerns.

Sedex (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) is a non-profit membership organization that aims to work with buyers and suppliers to improve responsible and ethical business practices in the global supply chain.

Sedex functions as an online platform that provides tools for managing corporate social responsibility and ethical data from suppliers. Its membership base includes companies of all sizes and sectors from around the world, from small businesses to large multinationals. Some of the most well-known companies that work with Sedex include Walmart, Tesco, Nestlé, Unilever, Mars, Coca-Cola, Carrefour, L’Oréal, Procter & Gamble, and many more.

Recognizing the importance of working hand-in-hand with our sugarcane suppliers to ensure the sustainability of our value chain, in 2020 we created a program to support the more than 7,400 suppliers that provide us with sugarcane in Mexico. The extension program seeks to transfer technology to producers and encourage them to adopt good agricultural practices to increase their productivity.

In 2021, we signed a collaboration agreement with Bayer and the leaders of sugarcane associations to generate a collaboration platform that includes all the actors in the value chain, focused on the adoption of better agricultural practices for the 3,672 sugarcane producers in Panuco in a three-year time frame. For this purpose, we hired the NGO Solidaridad, and under this agreement, we are developing:

• Socioeconomic Study: generation of quantitative analysis to understand in-depth the characteristics of this broad group of producers.

• Diploma for Technicians and Producers: technical modules aimed at internal staff and producers, covering different topics on management and agricultural practices.

• MAS CAÑA Program: provides on-site training in the ejidos, technical assistance in the field, demonstration with demonstration plots, and exchange of good practices between producers and technicians.

The winners will be announced at the award ceremony on March 22 in London. To learn more about Sedex and these awards, click here: https://rb.gy/q9e0vw