Oportunidades, a project that seeks to contribute to the well-being and prosperity of our employees in the agricultural sector, saw the progress of its participants in the USAID sponsored program Puentes during our recent visit to the communities of El Palmar, Uspantan and Chiul Cunén; both located in the area of Quiché.

This program consists of the following components: a personal development certificate called Emprender con Éxito, a business development certificate (SIDEM), technical training in agricultural practices, and a program dedicated to the production and commercialization of crops.

The participants completed the first module of the personal development phase called Who am I?, which covers the life skills and competencies required for personal and professional growth. With a better understanding of their competencies, they will develop a thorough and well-informed Life Plan.

The group decided to farm green peas based on the market demands and local conditions. The participants received seeds, fertilizer, and supplies from the exporting company and the first harvest is expected to be delivered in September of this year. As a future venture, the possibility of farming green beans is being considered. Also, a designated space for experimental harvesting will be allotted to the participants in order to analyze the viability and yield of feasible crops.

Throughout the entire process, the participants will receive technical assistance from an agronomist hired by the exporting company who will oversee the quality of the product; thus making sure that the product meets the standards expected by the exporter. Also, they will receive training and support from an agronomist hired for this project.

Additionally, the program strongly emphasizes the concept of association and working as a team, which they will continue to develop under the guidance of SIDEM.